Ancestry DNA provides the most precise Ethnicity estimates in the world. Millions of families are growing their family tree using Ancestry DNA services. The reason behind the highly accurate Ancestry DNA results is its reference panel and the biggest consumer DNA network in the world.
Ancestry has constantly been working on improving its ethnicity estimates accuracy for a long time now, and the results are right in front of your eyes. Ancestry’s advanced algorithms analyze your DNA and help you find more connections around the world. With the growth in Ancestry’s DNA network and advancements in the field of science & technology, one can expect much more precise DNA results in the future.
Ancestry DNA was able to break the big regions like China, England, Ireland & Scotland, Wales & Northwestern Europe, Italy, etc., into tiny parts so that the customers can get to know more precise locations. Moreover, they added a place in Cyprus to their list of regions.
Barry Starr is the Director of Scientific Communications at Ancestry DNA. He recently said that the Ancestry science team is working hard to deliver accurate ethnicity estimates. And, soon after his words, we witnessed the latest Ancestry DNA update that made sure that the ethnicity results are more accurate now. If you’re all set to witness your accurate ethnicity estimates, activate your AncestryDNA kit now.
Henry smith and I am a writer. I live in the USA As a writer historical stuff attracts me. That’s why I activated an Ancestry DNA kit to find out my family’s history. To activate Ancestry DNA kit, visit: