Telegram is one of the most popular and commonly used instant messaging applications, and it has also been considered as the best alternative for Facebook-owned WhatsApp Messenger. There are millions of people who use this messaging service on their devices. And the main reason for the popularity of Telegram Messenger is the features that it includes within itself. This instant messaging service can be utilized on multiple platforms that include Android, iOS, and Windows computers and laptops. Telegram is well known for its security and privacy features also. The list of the features included in the Telegram messaging service is quite long. For instance, Telegram bots is a functionality that enables the users to combine different services and automation within the app using the chatbot’s functionality. This platform keeps on adding new features focusing on improving the experience of its users. Anyone can access this application with much ease.
There is no doubt that Telegram is a platform that works flawlessly on all devices. And when it’s about messaging, the platform provides you with message previews that appear in the notification pop-ups. These pop-ups can be useful for most users. But it might be a disaster as well in some situations. So, to avoid this, it’s best to disable this feature. Do you know how one can disable the message previews in Telegram? Do you also use this instant messaging service on any of your devices? If you want to see how you can perform this task, it would be best to read this entire article. Here, in the following guide, we will provide you with the procedure following which you will be able to disable the message previews in the Telegram app on your devices. So, please go through this entire post.
The Method for Disabling Message Previews in Telegram
Any of the Telegram users will be able to disable the message previews within the app with much ease. And even though it is a much safe and secure messaging platform that anyone can use. But, if you are still concerned about your privacy and security and would like to disable the message preview feature, then you will need to go through some simple instructions. And after disabling this feature, no one, including you, will be able to see the message previews that arrive within the notification pop-ups. Also, the method provided here for performing this task will be applicable for both the platforms including, Android and iOS. So, now let’s see what steps you are going to follow for disabling the message previews in Telegram on your devices:
The Instructions for Disabling the Message Previews in Telegram
Please go through the below-mentioned steps to disable the message previews in Telegram:
· First of all, you will have to launch the Telegram app on your device to start the procedure.
· And after you have launched the app, now you will have to move towards the hamburger menu icon that you can see placed in the top-left corner of your screen, and then tap on the option of “Settings.” Alternatively, you can also reach the app’s settings area by swiping from the left screen edge to the right. If you are an iPhone owner, then you can simply tap on the settings option given at the bottom.
· And after reaching the settings section, you will have to tap on the option of “Notification and Sound.”
· Now, under the “Notifications for Chats” section, you will be provided with multiple options including, “Private,” “Groups,” and “Channels.” You can select any of these options according to your preferences.
· And at last, tap on the toggle switch placed next to the option of “Message Preview.” And if you own an iPhone, then you will find the direct switch to disable the message previews on your device. And that’s it.
And that is all that needs to be done to disable the message previews within the Telegram app on Android and iOS devices. .Try the mentioned procedure now, and please feel free to read more articles like this by visiting our official website.