Microsoft recently updated its Surface Pro line with Surface Pro 7 Plus. However, the refreshed Surface product will only be available for schools and businesses. Microsoft has completely overhauled the internals of the device with a removal SSD, a bigger battery, Intel’s latest 11th Gen processors, and LTE connectivity. But the company has opted to keep the screen on the outside and the design of the Surface Pro 7 Plus similar to the previous product.
LTE has returned to the Surface Pro line after five years but some users will be disappointed to know that there is no 5G connectivity since Microsoft is using the Snapdragon X20 LTE modem. The price of the product can be anywhere between $1,149 to $2,799 depending on RAM, SSD, and processor. The company has also promised a much better battery life that can be up to 15 hours. The original Surface Pro 7 had 10.5 hours battery life and the improvements in the present model can be credited to Intel 11th Gen chips and an increase in the battery size from 46.5Wh to 50.4Wh.
The Surface Pro 7 Plus comes with a 3.5mm headphone jack, a USB-A port, a USB-C port, and the Surface Connect port. The LTE models will come with a nano-SIM option while the Wi-Fi-only model will have a MicroSDXC card reader. Unfortunately, the new Surface model still does not have Thunderbolt connectivity. Although the Surface Pro 7 Plus has not made any changes to the outside there are some substantial changes in the internals. In order to make space for a bigger battery and a removable SSD, the Thermal Design Model of the product was updated entirely. The removable SSD gives an option to swap drives for reparability, while the bigger battery has significantly improved battery backup.
Microsoft was reluctant to make any changes for a thinner display bezel because it would have required significant changes to form factor and compatibility. Since businesses wish to standardize the configurations of the Surface Pro, changing port locations won’t have been the ideal decision. The company has made it very clear that the new product is an extension of its commercially-focused line.
Although the recent updates in the Surface Pro 7 Plus model are impressive but consumers will be disappointed as they won’t get to buy it for personal use. Microsoft is yet to make any statements on its future availability for consumers but it seems that the company wants to draw a line between the products that are purely business focused and ones that are for consumers only. The Surface Pro 7 Plus will soon be available in New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, and a number of European countries.
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